1. The Importance of Tracking Your Expenses

    Part of our Bankruptcy Tuesday series So you’ve decided to give budgeting a try. Good for you! How do you go about doing so? The easiest way to start is to download one of the many available apps, such as Mint, Pocketguard, YNAB (You Need A Budget), Mvelopes, and Goodbudget. Some of these are free…Read More

  2. Are You Living Paycheck to Paycheck?

    Part of our Bankruptcy Tuesday series We’re talking this month about budgeting. Why, you might ask, would I want to go to the trouble of making up a budget? Too many of us just pay our bills. We simply pull out a credit or debit card when we need to pay for something and never really think about w…Read More

  3. What is a Slip & Fall Case?

    Part of our Personal Injury Thursdays series What is a Slip & Fall case? First, there must be an injury or accident (the Slip & Fall) that happened on someone else’s property or land. Second, the Slip & Fall must have happened because the property was unsafe and the owner did not use o…Read More

  4. Who Needs Budget Planning Anyway?

    Part of our Bankruptcy Tuesday series Welcome to March! This month I’d like to talk about budgeting. It’s a topic that many people talk about, but few actually practice. Budgeting is important whether you’re thinking about filing bankruptcy (or trying to avoid doing so), you’re in a bankrupt…Read More