A car accident, medical mistake, or other injury don’t just affect you physically — they can also impact your mental health and lead to stress and anxiety. Here at McCue Law Office in Bangor, our personal injury attorneys strive to help you feel supported during this stressful time. Our number one goal is to get you the financial help you need so that you can focus on healing.

In today’s blog post, we’ll be sharing a few tips on how to deal with stress during a personal injury claim. If you believe you have a personal injury, contact our law firm. We have more than 35 years of experience helping our Maine clients get the compensation they deserve. Not only do we offer free consultations, but we also have a policy that our clients don’t have to pay unless we get money for you. Continue reading to learn how to manage stress and know that our personal injury lawyers are here for you.

Positive Self-Talk

If you’ve been seriously injured due to someone else’s negligence, you may have a long road to recovery. Talking yourself through your healing can be incredibly helpful. Work on positive self-talk like “I can do this” or “everything will be OK” rather than negative phrases such as “I’ll never get better.” Negative self-talk increases stress and reinforces further negative thinking.

You can also try shifting your negative self-talk into more positive ways of thinking. For example, when you think “I can’t do this” try instead “I’ll do the best I can.” Or, if you’re spiraling and thinking “everything is going wrong” try “I’m going to tackle this one step at a time.” 

Accept There Are Things You Cannot Control

If you’re in the midst of a personal injury case, you’ve already experienced the way an injury can quickly change your entire life. You couldn’t control your doctor’s mistake during surgery that led to your medical malpractice case. You couldn’t control the truck that swerved into your lane on the highway and left you injured. It can be difficult to accept that even outside of the accident, there are things that you cannot control. However, accepting this fact can dramatically ease your stress.

Write in a Journal

During this difficult time, a journal can be your friend. Write down what’s bothering you or how you’re feeling that day or what you’re grateful for. Don’t hold back — if you’re angry, write what you’re angry about. No one has to read the journal but you, and it’s a great place to process the complicated feelings that come up during a personal injury case.

Find Support In Family & Friends

It can be hard to ask for help, but your family and friends are here for you during this challenging time. Don’t be afraid to reach out and talk about how you’re feeling and what’s going on in your life. They’ll most likely be able to offer some encouragement and help you better understand your feelings. Try not to isolate yourself as you recover or think of yourself as a burden. While you may not be as self-sufficient as you were before your injury, that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to recover or adjust to a new way of life. And you’ll need family and friends to help you along the way!

Talk To A Professional

The professional personal injury lawyers here at McCue Law Office have helped a lot of clients in Bangor and the greater Maine area get the compensation they deserve in personal injury cases. However, we’re not professional counselors! If you’re struggling with stress or other mental health issues like PTSD after an accident, a counselor or other mental health professional can help suggest ways to cope.

Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer – Bangor

If you’ve been injured by the negligence of someone else, you may be entitled to compensation. Don’t try to go it alone, let our personal injury attorneys help. You won’t pay anything — no fees, no expenses, no cost to you — unless we get money for you! Speak with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible after our injury or accident. After all, there’s no risk to you, and you may have a good case but not realize it because you’re not a personal injury lawyer. Schedule your free consultation with McCue Law Office in Bangor and let us relieve financial stress so that you can focus on healing both physically and mentally.