Let our personal injuries lawyers help you so you can focus on healing.
Whether or not you hire a personal injury lawyer after a car accident is entirely up to you. But if the auto accident wasn’t your fault, doing so can help you get the compensation you are eligible for as well as avoid liability for the accident. Our highly-qualified personal injury lawyers can help protect your rights and advocate for you, giving you the time and space to focus on what matters — your health and your loved ones. Contact McCue Law Office in Bangor today for a free consultation.


  • Vehicle repair
  • Medical costs
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
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Cta Faqs
side-img-3-5e306209669c2-300x257.pngAfter being injured in a car accident, it is of the utmost importance to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer before you sign any legal documents or provide your insurance company with a statement. If you try to handle the situation without an auto accident attorney, you may lose some of your options or forfeit the compensation you deserve. Retaining a knowledgeable and committed attorney for your case can make all the difference, so contact the McCue Law Office in Bangor as soon as possible after a personal injury. The statute of limitations on personal injury cases is six years in Maine, so contact the best law firm in the area before your time runs out! side-img-5e30620b3711c


Over two million people in the United States are injured in auto accidents every year. Weather, road conditions, unexpected wildlife, and driver negligence are just a few of the reasons car accidents occur, although some accidents are more serious than others. While fender benders can be a hassle and strain on your wallet, collisions resulting in serious injury or fatality can wreak havoc on your life. Either way, the best course of action in any personal injury case is to hire an experienced auto accident attorney to help you better understand your options. McCue Law Office in Bangor has been offering high-quality legal services for clients in Maine for more than 35 years. We offer free consultations and if we don’t win your case, there’s no fee!


Many of our clients come to us and say that they’re someone who would never think of taking someone to court. We understand that contacting a law firm like McCue Law Office can be intimidating, which is why we work to fully understand your situation and ensure that you understand your options.


In the event of an auto accident, the at-fault driver should be responsible for all damages, but insurance will only pay you for up to the policy’s limit. This can mean that you are only compensated for a portion of the damages, and in order to receive the full cost of the damage you’ll need to pursue the driver on an individual basis. If you have been the victim of an auto accident, it is important to consult with a lawyer before speaking with the insurance company. The insurer’s goal is always to minimize what they have to pay you, and it’s important to have an advocate on your side to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Many of the personal injury cases we take on are settled out of court. If you choose to work with us, we will calculate the value of your claim and then pursue the responsible party outside of court. Ideally, the case will be settled, but if necessary, we will file a lawsuit and advocate for you in the court of law. We will be with you every step of the way, whether it ends in a personal injury settlement or in court. Contact the experienced at accomplished team at McCue Law Firm today for your free personal injury consultation.
Contact 13

side-img-2-5e30620786e3e-296x300Medical treatment, vehicle repairs, bills, the inability to work, and even fatality of a loved one can cause a large amount of stress and emotional trauma. Having a compassionate, dedicated personal injury attorney such as Carl D. McCue on your side can make all the difference in a personal injury case.

Our staff is highly-qualified and experienced in personal injury cases, which is why we’re a Top Rated Local® Law Office in the greater Bangor area. We go the extra mile for our clients — even if you are not physically able to meet with us at our office, we are more than willing to come to you to discuss your personal injury case.

You can rest assured that we always put the welfare of our clients first. The initial consultation is always free, so contact us today to find out how we can help you!

© McCue Law Office. All Rights Reserved.

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