Let our personal injury attorneys advocate for you.
McCue Law Office in Bangor has over 35 years of experience in personal injury cases, including traffic accidents. We advocate for clients across the state of Maine and have the resources and experience to fight for you and work to ensure that you are fairly compensated for any losses caused by a traffic accident. We pride ourselves on providing personalized legal counsel for each and every one of our clients. Plus, we offer free consultations and no legal costs unless we win and get compensation for you! Learn more and contact us today to get started.


  • Vehicle repair/property loss
  • Medical costs
  • Lost wages due to injury
  • Pain and suffering


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Inclement weather, aggressive or distracted driving, and unforeseeable circumstances can all cause traffic accidents. Some accidents result in fender benders or minor injuries, while others can cause serious or permanent injury as well as irreparable damage to your vehicle. Whatever type of traffic accident you’ve been in, allowing a reliable accident lawyer to handle the legal matters when it comes to a personal injury case from a traffic accident is the best way to increase your chances of receiving fair compensation. At McCue Law Office in Bangor, we can provide competent legal services for many types of personal injury cases, especially traffic accident injuries. Contact us today at our Bangor office for a free initial consultation!



If someone runs a red light, makes a turn without checking if the lane is clear, or is weaving in and out of traffic, the likelihood of an accident increases greatly (and if you are on a motorcycle, you are at even greater risk). Traffic laws exist to keep drivers and passengers safe, but when an accident occurs, there are important steps to follow.

  1. Contact the Police – If there are any injuries sustained by anyone involved or an imminent threat from a vehicle fire or spillage, call 911 immediately. If there is no immediate emergency, call the non-emergency number for local or state police.
  2. Exchange Information & Gather Evidence – Share names, license numbers, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance information with anyone involved in the accident. Take photos of the damage if you can.
  3. Do Not Leave the Scene – In the state of Maine, you must stay at the scene of an accident you were involved in until the police decide whether or not to complete a crash report. Leaving the scene of an accident is a Class C crime in Maine.
  4. Contact Your Attorney – Call McCue Law Office as soon as you can after a traffic accident to ensure your rights and to gain the best chance
General Info 1


side-img-copy-5e22119dc9dacIf you were injured in a traffic accident that was not your fault, you may be entitled to receive compensation for medical treatment, inability to work, and damage to your vehicle. Before agreeing to or signing anything from your insurance company, contact a McCue Law Office accident lawyer for your best chance at compensation for:

  • Property Damage
  • Medical Expenses
  • Lost Wages
  • Pain and Suffering
Contact 14


Hiring a personal injury lawyer is vital if you are looking to pursue compensation following a traffic accident. Too often we see individuals attempting to represent themselves and fail simply because they do not have the experience that professional legal counsel can provide. While legal fees can seem intimidating, hiring a lawyer greatly improves your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. Plus, when you choose to work with McCue Law Office, your first consultation is free. There is no risk to you and you can gain the information you need to understand if your case is viable.

side-img-5e22119f12bf8Having an attorney on your side from the beginning in a traffic accident personal injury case is a good idea because we can manage communication with the various parties involved, including the at-fault driver, the insurance companies, and the billing department of your health care providers. If you get in touch early, our personal injury attorneys will also be able to launch an investigation before evidence fades and witnesses forget the specific details of the traffic accident.

You should also not sign anything from an insurance company without first consulting with one of our Bangor-based personal injury lawyers. The first offer is likely to be low, as it would be with any negotiation process where both sides are looking out for their own self-interest. During the aftermath of a traffic accident, you will also most likely be coping with injuries and emotional damages. Our experienced personal injury attorneys can look at your case from an outside perspective and objectively assess your damages and begin forming a case for a fair personal injury settlement. Contact our Bangor-based law firm today — your future is bright.

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