Protect your rights after a truck accident.
Truck accidents can be far more dangerous and complicated than a car or motorcycle accident. And that’s why, if you choose to pursue a personal injury case, you should have an experienced personal injury attorney on your side. Here at McCue Law Office in Bangor, we have extensive experience and a record of success handling personal injury cases, including truck accidents. We have represented truck accident crash victims throughout the state of Maine and we will advocate for you and work to pursue justice in order to get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.


  • Vehicle repair/property loss
  • Medical costs
  • Lost wages due to injury
  • Pain and suffering


side-img-5e2b1da25ff5eTractor-trailers, semis, 18-wheelers, big rigs, and other large trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. A truck moving at high speeds can cause irreparable damage in the event of an accident or collision. High fatality rates, costly property damage, and painful injuries are the main concerns when it comes to truck accidents. Many trucking companies are aware of this, and therefore employ substantial legal teams to avoid being held liable for damage. In order to protect your rights and the compensation you may be entitled to, contact the dedicated and professional personal injury lawyers at McCue Law Office in Bangor.


side-img-2-5e2b26ab51c3f Like any personal injury case, truck accident litigation requires thorough investigation and gathering of evidence. Part of our job as personal injury lawyers is to gather that evidence, including the witness testimony and investigation of the accident scene. Know that the trucking company will send their own investigators, and that it’s important to have someone on your side that will do the same for you. We understand the specific details and nuances that are involved in truck accidents and have the necessary resources to pursue your truck accident case. Getting into a truck accident is devastating. Your injuries may be life-threatening, and medical bills can quickly add up. Insurance may not cover all of your expenses, causing financial stress as you are trying to heal and get back to your life. Our personal injury lawyers are here to help. If you or someone you love has been injured in a truck accident, don’t wait any longer. Get in touch with McCue Law Office in Bangor today.


side-img-3-5e2b26ba4563e Truck drivers not only have to navigate the normal dangers of the road, they also drive for much longer hours with a much more unwieldy vehicle. They face the danger of fatigue from long shifts behind the wheel. Many truck drivers are also paid by the load, which encourages them to make more deliveries at a fast pace in order to make more money. The amount of rest and breaks they should take is regulated, but, like anything, these rules are not always followed. In addition to driver negligence, the vehicle itself can also be the cause of truck accidents. Trucks can be improperly loaded or inadequately inspected. Mechanical breakdowns, like brake failure, can also lead to loss of control. You’ve probably seen runaway truck ramps — they’re there for a reason. A 40-ton vehicle losing control at 70 miles per hour is terrifying and dangerous for everyone involved. The magnitude of a truck accident is not something to take lightly. Commercial vehicle accidents can result in traumatic brain injuries, fractures, and other extensive injuries. Determining the cause of the accident, which parties are to blame, and the extent of the damages is vital to a personal injury case. Our experienced personal injury lawyers will make sure the process is handled thoroughly and accurately to help you build the best possible personal injury case.
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While truck accidents can cause devastating consequences, there are ways to prevent them. A few ways to combat truck accidents include, avoiding the truck driver’s blind spots, keeping a safe distance at all times, driving cautiously in inclement weather, and staying alert at all times.

However, some situations are unavoidable and do end in a collision. Truck drivers tend to spend a lot of time on the road, which can lead to fatigue and drowsiness. Drivers can fall asleep at the wheel, or experience unexpected mechanical malfunctions, so it is important to be on the lookout for these signs of potential causes of an accident:

  • Swerving
  • Drifting
  • Fish-Tailing
  • Tire Popping
  • Sudden Braking
  • Erratic Driving

In the event of injuries sustained by a truck accident in Maine, the best course of action is to hire a competent and reliable personal injury attorney as soon as possible. After seeking medical attention, call McCue Law Office Bangor to help you get the compensation you deserve.

We can aid in the personal injury claim process, and represent you both in and out of court. In these types of cases, a victim has not only the driver at fault to contend with, but with the trucking company and its legal team as well. However, with the right accident lawyer at your side, you can rest assured that your case will be handled fairly and in your best interest every time. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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